Everyone loves a great movie but very few people who sit in a movie theatre are aware of all the work that goes into making one. Like the foundation that creates the groundwork for a house, a movie script is the foundation upon which a movie is built.


In a script, a screenwriter or playwright lays out their vision and provides the director, designers, and actors with a roadmap for a film or stage production.


A script is a document that comprises setting, characters, dialogue, and stage directions for movies, TV shows, and stage plays. When directors stage such productions, they follow the instructions provided by the script. In live theatre, script writers are playwrights, and the scripts are also known as playscripts. In film and television, script writers are called screenwriters. A film script is called a screenplay, and a TV script is called a teleplay.


A shooting script is a key piece in the production of a motion picture. It’s a version of a screenplay that includes detailed cinematography instructions laid out in the order that they’ll be needed, such as certain camera shots, props, and locations. A shooting script is like a combination of a screenplay and a shot list.